Quadrillion Partners is a data-driven, specialized consultancy that deploys experienced operators, advanced analytics, and common sense to accelerate positive changes in organizations. The Hallwil team was hired to update the current UI/UX of the website to make it more user-friendly, responsive, and modern.
UI/UX Design and Development for the Business Consulting Firm

Project needs and challenges

Solution we offered
Our team offered to conduct an in-depth analysis of the previous team`s implementations. Based on that, we prepared a QA report and a step-by-step plan on how to achieve the client`s goals.
Implementation details
Our QA team has done deep testing of the appearance, functionality, and usability of different user interfaces, such as the graphical user interface and command line interface.
Based on the report, we identified priorities with stakeholders and started implementation using our best hands-on experience in Webflow development. This product now plays a huge role in the company's lead generation and brand-building processes.
Tools we used
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